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Service Degraded

1 minute read

Deploy the Fleet OTA services are currently degraded. This post will be used to track updates.

Wi-Fi Security Advisory

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In case you missed it, Espressif announced a major Wi-Fi security vulnerability affecting all ESP32 chips with Wi-Fi. When an ESP32 or ESP8266 SoC is con...

IDF v5.0 Enters Maintenance Mode

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As of today, IDF v5.0 has entered the 18 month Maintenance period which is defined by Espressif as: During the Maintenance period, the version is still s...

IDF v4.4.6 Released

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Today Espressif released IDF v4.4.6 which is the latest bugfix update for ESP-IDF v4.4

Introducing Device Deletion

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Deploy the Fleet now supports deleting a device from your product’s device list.

Learn ESP32 Course

1 minute read

Several years ago I launched my very first IoT product based on the Particle P1 module. I was an original backer of the Particle Spark Core module on Kicksta...

FIX: Can’t Program ESP32 in PopOS 22.04

1 minute read

If you, like me, are a fan of the PopOS distro of LInux you may have run into an issue with the recent 22.04 Update. After updating to 22.04 you may find tha...

Delete Firmware Support

less than 1 minute read

It is now possible to delete firmware in Deploy the Fleet. This is useful if you want to clean up old firmware or simply need to remove a firmware created by...