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Arduino Core OTA Partition Size and Gzipping

3 minute read

When using the ESP Arduino Core library to flash updates for ESP8266 devices you must ensure you have a properly sized OTA partition. This article covers wha...

Support for Gzipped Firmware

1 minute read

If you use the Arduino Core library for ESP8266 devices you can now upload Gzipped firmware directly to Deploy the Fleet.

Do I Really Need OTA Updates?

8 minute read

Since the dawn of the Internet of Things there has been a seemingly endless wave of change. Platforms come and go, protocols come and go and even the tech st...

Why I Built Deploy the Fleet

2 minute read

My First Product Like most makers I never really had a pressing need to update a device over-the-air. If it had a bug or I developed a new feature I’d just g...

Correct ESP8266 OTA HTTP Server Headers

1 minute read

If you are using the Arduino Core libraries in your ESP8266 library and want to do OTA updates using the HTTP Server method you may have run into issues with...